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The Balanset-1A is a very practical and compact tool, perfect for balancing and analyzing vibrations in various rotating machines—like crushers, fans, mulchers, shafts, and turbines. It’s suitable for both small workshops and large factories.
In vibrometer mode, it effectively measures rotational speed (RPM) and identifies the phase angle, which is essential for accurate analysis.
The device also monitors key vibration frequencies and offers a detailed breakdown of the vibration spectrum, giving you clear insights into what’s happening.
It keeps track of overall vibration levels and saves all measurement data, making sure you can analyze the details whenever required.
The Balanset-1A is highly effective for balancing tasks.
The Balanset-1A can balance in one or two planes, depending on the task’s complexity, maintaining dynamic stability.
A polar graph visualizes the unbalance, making it straightforward to place the corrective weight where needed.
Should you need to pause, the device lets you continue from where you left off.
A built-in tolerance calculator, adhering to the ISO 1940 standard, guarantees your work meets industry requirements.
The way it handles data is particularly impressive.
You get clear charts from the device, displaying overall vibration, main frequency vibrations, harmonics, and a complete spectrum analysis.
Furthermore, the Balanset-1A has additional features that boost its practicality.
It keeps an archive of all your previous sessions, generates detailed reports, and makes repeating a balancing job easy with saved data.
When you purchase the Balanset-1A, you receive the main interface unit, two vibration sensors, a laser tachometer with a magnetic stand, a scale, and the necessary software.
It’s all neatly packed in a durable case, making it easy to carry wherever you go.
The Balanset-1A stands out for being easy to use, reasonably priced, and rich in features.
It’s an ideal choice whether you’re balancing just a few rotors or overseeing a full production line.
At 1949$, it’s a solid investment for anyone who needs reliable and precise balancing and vibration analysis.
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